Twas Few Days Before Christmas...

Twas few days before Christmas, and all through Luv Sola world,
Crafters were crafting, ribbons being curled.

Wooden wedding flowers were being arranged with care,
In hopes holiday bride's orders would surely be there.

Home decor craft shows were set up in a flitter,
Wreaths, ornaments and boxes were covered in glitter.

And crafters were yawning from all-nighter turns,
Bandaging their fingers from all hot glue burns.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
The postman with more sola that's all that did matter.

Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the boxes and threw up the stash.

Wood flowers carefully packaged by the Luv Sola crew,
And colorful filler filled the box too.

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a personalized thank you on the invoice, so dear.

With raw sola, skinned sola, premium and more,
I knew in a moment what crafts were in store.

More rapid than eagles Luv Sola Flowers came,
And I whistled, and shouted, and called them by name.

"Now, New Beauty! now, Beli! now, Dahlia and Aspen !
Oh, Bird Rose! oh Duchess! oh, Queen and Carnation!

To the top of the craft table! Or hang on the wall.
Now craft away! Craft away! Craft away all!"

As flowers and fillers and glitter do fly,
The crafter creates with a long happy sigh.

So up to the craft room the Sola they flew,
To be formed into bouquets, home decor and gifts too.

And then, in a twinkling, in the group you're in most,
There was sharing and encouraging with each little post.

As I typed on my phone, and was posting around,
New ideas of creations flooded my mind with a bound.

The community we've built is so special to us,
We hope your holiday is merry without all the fuss.

Anything made from your heart is a beautiful sight
So from all of us at Luv Sola Flowers


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