A New Year

A New Year

With the new year coming, many of us reflect about the year past and dream of the year ahead.

No matter what the year has been like, the idea of "new" can be exciting, scary, and/or a promise of something different.

During this week, many people are asked what their "New Year's resolution" is. Maybe it's something you haven't completed. Maybe something you haven't started. Maybe it's a focus word, a plan or a dream. Or maybe you don't like to make a resolution - just take one day at a time.

With the new year on the horizon, why not try new things? Stretch yourself. Learn more of your craft. Try different styles. Play with different types of wood flowers, colors and fillers. If you work in home decor, maybe try wooden wedding flowers too.

Here are some of our suggestions of new things you could try for 2020:

1. Try new styles of sola flowers. Try assortments, faux greenery, and all the sizes!
2. Try new colors and dyeing methods. Sometimes unexpected color combinations are the best! Try dipping, handpainting, or airbrushing
3. Experiment with fillers. Try our preserved and dried fillers, but mix and match using colors. These colored fillers can bring life to your pieces
4. Try different styles of pieces. Clean lines, wild, rustic, and more! Push your limits to see how far you can go. Never stop learning and growing
5. Register your business and get a wholesale account!
6. Focus on gaining a following on social media and learn how to advertise
7. Brand yourself - get business cards, pamphlets, and media you can hand out
8. Find a mentor... Or become a mentor! Find someone who has strengths where you are weak and ways to hone your skills
9. Find your niche. Find the thing that you are really great at and become known as one of the best at it
10. Interact in our community group to build a supportive sola family

New year, new journey, new goals!


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